Friday, May 25, 2012

Friday Book Beginnings

Friday Book Beginnings is a meme hosted by Rose City Reader. Go here to add your link and see what others are reading.

Pride and Prejudice, again

"It is a truth universally acknowledged that a single man in possession of a good fortune, must be in want of a wife."

Pride and Prejudice by Jane Austen

The first line of my all-time favorite book.  I read it in my teens, and I loved it.  I have just re-read The Annotated Pride and Prejudice by Jane Austen annotated and edited by David M. Shapard.  The annotations were extremely interesting and informative and though much of the explanations of certain customs and word usage of the period were no longer new to me as I've since read many novels that take place in the early 19th century, I still enjoyed reading them and did not skip over any of the annotations.
I didn't think it was possible to enjoy this book more the second time, but I actually did.  It is the only novel that I have ever read twice.  I have always thought that with all of the books out there to be read, I couldn't possibly find the time to read the same one twice.  But I am so happy that I did. I will probably go on to read it many more times now that I've realized that it gets even better.  I didn't realize how much humour was in the book the first time around because I was so busy deciphering the meaning of certain phrases.  But when the language is no longer unfamiliar, or seemingly awkward, this story flows like nothing else I've ever read.  I could go on and on lauding this book, but I won't.  I know this is a favorite of many so my adoration is nothing new.


  1. That is definitely an awesome beginning! Thanks for sharing....


  2. I love that line. It's brilliant. If you love the book you should watch the 1996 Tv adaptation, that too is brilliant and definitely worth a look in.

    1. The BBC production with Colin Firth? You're right. It is brilliant. I love it and a good friend actually got me the DVD.

  3. Great beginning...I have this book in my TBR and really need to read it. Both my sister and mother are huge Jane Austin fans.

    Here's my Friday Meme Post

  4. I think that is one of the greatest opening lines ever. Here is my post: Book Beginnings

  5. I've never read this, but I know my wife has, probably more than once. I probably should add it to my TBR, but the list is already too long! Thanks for visiting earlier. Happy reading!

  6. I seldom read a book twice and P&P is one of only a handfull that I've read three times. I do love it. And it is the best opening line ever. I am going to pin it as a reminder.

    I love the idea of an annotated edition!

    Thanks for participating in Book Beginnings!

  7. I've actually read this book about a dozen times since 1984 (when I first read it in preparation for my HSC the following year).
    I love it each time and appreciate something new with each reading. Thanks for making me think it's time to re-read it again!!
